What Do You Do When Life Throws You a Curveball In Fredonia?
What Do You Do When Life Throws You a Curveball in Fredonia

Last year, after a trip we had planned was cancelled, my brother-in-law once said “when one trip gets cancelled, plan a better one.” Well, fast forward to 2020 and so many plans have been cancelled for so many people…including you I’m sure. Obviously no one knew this crazy time with COVID was coming, and we can debate for hours whether what we are doing to respond to it as a country and world is correct or not, but that certainly will not change the situation at hand. Life threw all of us a curveball, it’s no fun, but now what do we do? I do have some suggestions as a Fredonia Chiropractor.
When Life Throws a Curveball in Fredonia
This may be an extreme example, but sometimes in life things don’t go as planned. We all react initially to it many different ways, but once the initial part wears off, it is time to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and figure out how we are going to make the best of it.
Take A Deep Breathe…and Relax: In times of chaos, things can feel like they are crumbling all around us. We tend to get overwhelmed because we are thinking about way too many things at once. No one knows what tomorrow will bring, or when things will change. Stay in the moment and try and make today the best day you can possibly make it.
Stay Positive: It is very easy to enter into negative town when things take a turn for the worse. I think this is human nature to some degree. Unfortunately some people end up getting stuck there for way too long. Adding anger and negativity to an already challenging problem will only make matters feel that much worse. Problems always feel worse when we are in middle of them because of what we think of the problem. Stay focused on keeping a positive mental attitude.
Stick To Your Core Values: Never lose yourself when things don’t go as planned. Don’t devalue yourself, challenges in life should not change you negatively, but rather should reinforce your strongest beliefs in life.
Rely on Good Relationships: In times of need those that are closest to you are the ones that will make you feel the most secure. Rely on them, they have your back, and wil help you in every way possible if you need it.
Make The Most of It: This comes back to what my brother-in-law said, “when one trip gets cancelled, plan a better one.” You have to figure out how to make the most out of what life throws your way. Maybe this is re-evaluating your priorities in life. Maybe it is changing your spending habits. Whatever that is for you, try and turn what may seem like a negative, into a huge positive going forward in your life.
LIVE well. BE well.